
Since Camel 2.5

Jasypt is a simplified encryption library which makes encryption and decryption easy. Camel integrates with Jasypt to allow sensitive information in Properties files to be encrypted. By dropping camel-jasypt on the classpath those encrypted values will automatically be decrypted on-the-fly by Camel. This ensures that human eyes can’t easily spot sensitive information such as usernames and passwords.

If you are using Maven, you need to add the following dependency to your pom.xml for this component:

    <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->


The Jasypt component is a runnable JAR that provides a command line utility to encrypt or decrypt values.

The usage documentation can be output to the console to describe the syntax and options it provides:

Apache Camel Jasypt takes the following options

  -h or -help = Displays the help screen
  -c or -command <command> = Command either encrypt or decrypt
  -p or -password <password> = Password to use
  -i or -input <input> = Text to encrypt or decrypt
  -a or -algorithm <algorithm> = Optional algorithm to use
  -rsga or -algorithm <algorithm> = Optional random salt generator algorithm to use
  -riga or -algorithm <algorithm> = Optional random iv generator algorithm to use

A simple way of running the tool is with JBang.

For example, to encrypt the value tiger, you can use the following parameters. Make sure to specify the version of camel-jasypt that you want to use.

$ jbang org.apache.camel:camel-jasypt:<camel version here> -c encrypt -p secret -i tiger

Which outputs the following result

Encrypted text: qaEEacuW7BUti8LcMgyjKw==

This means the encrypted representation qaEEacuW7BUti8LcMgyjKw== can be decrypted back to tiger if you know the master password which was secret.
If you run the tool again, then the encrypted value will return a different result. But decrypting the value will always return the correct original value.

You can test decrypting the value by running the tooling using the following parameters:

$ jbang org.apache.camel:camel-jasypt:<camel version here> -c decrypt -p secret -i qaEEacuW7BUti8LcMgyjKw==

Which outputs the following result:

Decrypted text: tiger

The idea is to then use the encrypted values in your Properties files. For example.

# Encrypted value for 'tiger'
my.secret = ENC(qaEEacuW7BUti8LcMgyjKw==)

Protecting the master password

The master password used by Jasypt must be provided, so that it’s capable of decrypting the values. However, having this master password out in the open may not be an ideal solution. Therefore, you can provide it as a JVM system property or as an OS environment setting. If you decide to do so then the password option supports prefixes which dictates this. sysenv: means to lookup the OS system environment with the given key. sys: means to lookup a JVM system property.

For example, you could provide the password before you start the application


Then start the application, such as running the start script.

When the application is up and running you can unset the environment


On runtimes like Spring Boot and Quarkus, you can configure a password property in application.properties as follows.


Or if configuring JasyptPropertiesParser manually, you can set the password like this.


Example configuration

  • Java

  • XML (Spring)

On the Spring Boot and Quarkus runtimes, Camel Jasypt can be configured via configuration properties. Refer to their respective documentation pages for more information.

Else, in Java DSL you need to configure Jasypt as a JasyptPropertiesParser instance and set it on the Properties component as show below:

// create the jasypt properties parser
JasyptPropertiesParser jasypt = new JasyptPropertiesParser();
// set the master password (see above for how to do this in a secure way)

// create the properties component
PropertiesComponent pc = new PropertiesComponent();
// and use the jasypt properties parser so we can decrypt values
// end enable nested placeholder support

// add properties component to camel context

It is possible to configure custom algorithms on the JasyptPropertiesParser like this.

JasyptPropertiesParser jasyptPropertiesParser = new JasyptPropertiesParser();


The properties file secret.properties will contain your encrypted configuration values, such as shown below. Notice how the password value is encrypted and is surrounded like ENC(value here).


In Spring XML you need to configure the JasyptPropertiesParser which is shown below. Then the Camel Properties component is told to use jasypt as the properties parser, which means Jasypt has its chance to decrypt values looked up in the properties file.

<!-- define the jasypt properties parser with the given password to be used -->
<bean id="jasypt" class="org.apache.camel.component.jasypt.JasyptPropertiesParser">
    <property name="password" value="secret"/>

<!-- define the camel properties component -->
<bean id="properties" class="org.apache.camel.component.properties.PropertiesComponent">
    <!-- the properties file is in the classpath -->
    <property name="location" value="classpath:org/apache/camel/component/jasypt/secret.properties"/>
    <!-- and let it leverage the jasypt parser -->
    <property name="propertiesParser" ref="jasypt"/>
    <!-- end enable nested placeholder -->
    <property name="nestedPlaceholder" value="true"/>

The Properties component can also be inlined inside the <camelContext> tag which is shown below. Notice how we use the propertiesParserRef attribute to refer to Jasypt.

<!-- define the jasypt properties parser with the given password to be used -->
<bean id="jasypt" class="org.apache.camel.component.jasypt.JasyptPropertiesParser">
    <!-- password is mandatory, you can prefix it with sysenv: or sys: to indicate it should use
         an OS environment or JVM system property value, so you dont have the master password defined here -->
    <property name="password" value="secret"/>

<camelContext xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring">
    <!-- define the camel properties placeholder, and let it leverage jasypt -->
    <propertyPlaceholder id="properties"
        <from uri="direct:start"/>
        <to uri="{{cool.result}}"/>