Debezium PostgresSQL Connector

Since Camel 3.0

Only consumer is supported

The Debezium PostgresSQL component is wrapper around Debezium using Debezium Engine, which enables Change Data Capture from PostgresSQL database using Debezium without the need for Kafka or Kafka Connect.

Note on handling failures: Per Debezium Embedded Engine documentation, the engines is actively recording source offsets and periodically flushes these offsets to a persistent storage, so when the application is restarted or crashed, the engine will resume from the last recorded offset. Thus, at normal operation, your downstream routes will receive each event exactly once, however in case of an application crash (not having a graceful shutdown), the application will resume from the last recorded offset, which may result in receiving duplicate events immediately after the restart. Therefore, your downstream routes should be tolerant enough of such case and deduplicate events if needed.

Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml for this component.

    <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->

URI format


Configuring Options

Camel components are configured on two separate levels:

  • component level

  • endpoint level

Configuring Component Options

The component level is the highest level which holds general and common configurations that are inherited by the endpoints. For example a component may have security settings, credentials for authentication, urls for network connection and so forth.

Some components only have a few options, and others may have many. Because components typically have pre configured defaults that are commonly used, then you may often only need to configure a few options on a component; or none at all.

Configuring components can be done with the Component DSL, in a configuration file (|yaml), or directly with Java code.

Configuring Endpoint Options

Where you find yourself configuring the most is on endpoints, as endpoints often have many options, which allows you to configure what you need the endpoint to do. The options are also categorized into whether the endpoint is used as consumer (from) or as a producer (to), or used for both.

Configuring endpoints is most often done directly in the endpoint URI as path and query parameters. You can also use the Endpoint DSL and DataFormat DSL as a type safe way of configuring endpoints and data formats in Java.

A good practice when configuring options is to use Property Placeholders, which allows to not hardcode urls, port numbers, sensitive information, and other settings. In other words placeholders allows to externalize the configuration from your code, and gives more flexibility and reuse.

The following two sections lists all the options, firstly for the component followed by the endpoint.

Component Options

The Debezium PostgresSQL Connector component supports 98 options, which are listed below.

Name Description Default Type

additionalProperties (common)

Additional properties for debezium components in case they can’t be set directly on the camel configurations (e.g: setting Kafka Connect properties needed by Debezium engine, for example setting KafkaOffsetBackingStore), the properties have to be prefixed with additionalProperties.. E.g:


bridgeErrorHandler (consumer)

Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions (if possible) occurred while the Camel consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. Important: This is only possible if the 3rd party component allows Camel to be alerted if an exception was thrown. Some components handle this internally only, and therefore bridgeErrorHandler is not possible. In other situations we may improve the Camel component to hook into the 3rd party component and make this possible for future releases. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored.



configuration (consumer)

Allow pre-configured Configurations to be set.


internalKeyConverter (consumer)

The Converter class that should be used to serialize and deserialize key data for offsets. The default is JSON converter.



internalValueConverter (consumer)

The Converter class that should be used to serialize and deserialize value data for offsets. The default is JSON converter.



offsetCommitPolicy (consumer)

The name of the Java class of the commit policy. It defines when offsets commit has to be triggered based on the number of events processed and the time elapsed since the last commit. This class must implement the interface 'OffsetCommitPolicy'. The default is a periodic commit policy based upon time intervals.


offsetCommitTimeoutMs (consumer)

Maximum number of milliseconds to wait for records to flush and partition offset data to be committed to offset storage before cancelling the process and restoring the offset data to be committed in a future attempt. The default is 5 seconds.



offsetFlushIntervalMs (consumer)

Interval at which to try committing offsets. The default is 1 minute.



offsetStorage (consumer)

The name of the Java class that is responsible for persistence of connector offsets.


offsetStorageFileName (consumer)

Path to file where offsets are to be stored. Required when is set to the FileOffsetBackingStore.


offsetStoragePartitions (consumer)

The number of partitions used when creating the offset storage topic. Required when is set to the 'KafkaOffsetBackingStore'.


offsetStorageReplicationFactor (consumer)

Replication factor used when creating the offset storage topic. Required when is set to the KafkaOffsetBackingStore.


offsetStorageTopic (consumer)

The name of the Kafka topic where offsets are to be stored. Required when is set to the KafkaOffsetBackingStore.


autowiredEnabled (advanced)

Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc.



binaryHandlingMode (postgres)

Specify how binary (blob, binary, etc.) columns should be represented in change events, including: 'bytes' represents binary data as byte array (default); 'base64' represents binary data as base64-encoded string; 'base64-url-safe' represents binary data as base64-url-safe-encoded string; 'hex' represents binary data as hex-encoded (base16) string.



columnExcludeList (postgres)

Regular expressions matching columns to exclude from change events.


columnIncludeList (postgres)

Regular expressions matching columns to include in change events.


columnPropagateSourceType (postgres)

A comma-separated list of regular expressions matching fully-qualified names of columns that adds the columns original type and original length as parameters to the corresponding field schemas in the emitted change records.


converters (postgres)

Optional list of custom converters that would be used instead of default ones. The converters are defined using '.type' config option and configured using options '.'.


customMetricTags (postgres)

The custom metric tags will accept key-value pairs to customize the MBean object name which should be appended the end of regular name, each key would represent a tag for the MBean object name, and the corresponding value would be the value of that tag the key is. For example: k1=v1,k2=v2.


databaseDbname (postgres)

The name of the database from which the connector should capture changes.


databaseHostname (postgres)

Resolvable hostname or IP address of the database server.


databaseInitialStatements (postgres)

A semicolon separated list of SQL statements to be executed when a JDBC connection to the database is established. Note that the connector may establish JDBC connections at its own discretion, so this should typically be used for configuration of session parameters only, but not for executing DML statements. Use doubled semicolon (';;') to use a semicolon as a character and not as a delimiter.


databasePassword (postgres)

Required Password of the database user to be used when connecting to the database.


databasePort (postgres)

Port of the database server.



databaseSslcert (postgres)

File containing the SSL Certificate for the client. See the Postgres SSL docs for further information.


databaseSslfactory (postgres)

A name of class to that creates SSL Sockets. Use org.postgresql.ssl.NonValidatingFactory to disable SSL validation in development environments.


databaseSslkey (postgres)

File containing the SSL private key for the client. See the Postgres SSL docs for further information.


databaseSslmode (postgres)

Whether to use an encrypted connection to Postgres. Options include: 'disable' (the default) to use an unencrypted connection; 'allow' to try and use an unencrypted connection first and, failing that, a secure (encrypted) connection; 'prefer' (the default) to try and use a secure (encrypted) connection first and, failing that, an unencrypted connection; 'require' to use a secure (encrypted) connection, and fail if one cannot be established; 'verify-ca' like 'required' but additionally verify the server TLS certificate against the configured Certificate Authority (CA) certificates, or fail if no valid matching CA certificates are found; or 'verify-full' like 'verify-ca' but additionally verify that the server certificate matches the host to which the connection is attempted.



databaseSslpassword (postgres)

Password to access the client private key from the file specified by 'database.sslkey'. See the Postgres SSL docs for further information.


databaseSslrootcert (postgres)

File containing the root certificate(s) against which the server is validated. See the Postgres JDBC SSL docs for further information.


databaseTcpkeepalive (postgres)

Enable or disable TCP keep-alive probe to avoid dropping TCP connection.



databaseUser (postgres)

Name of the database user to be used when connecting to the database.


datatypePropagateSourceType (postgres)

A comma-separated list of regular expressions matching the database-specific data type names that adds the data type’s original type and original length as parameters to the corresponding field schemas in the emitted change records.


decimalHandlingMode (postgres)

Specify how DECIMAL and NUMERIC columns should be represented in change events, including: 'precise' (the default) uses java.math.BigDecimal to represent values, which are encoded in the change events using a binary representation and Kafka Connect’s '' type; 'string' uses string to represent values; 'double' represents values using Java’s 'double', which may not offer the precision but will be far easier to use in consumers.



errorsMaxRetries (postgres)

The maximum number of retries on connection errors before failing (-1 = no limit, 0 = disabled, 0 = num of retries).



eventProcessingFailureHandlingMode (postgres)

Specify how failures during processing of events (i.e. when encountering a corrupted event) should be handled, including: 'fail' (the default) an exception indicating the problematic event and its position is raised, causing the connector to be stopped; 'warn' the problematic event and its position will be logged and the event will be skipped; 'ignore' the problematic event will be skipped.



flushLsnSource (postgres)

Boolean to determine if Debezium should flush LSN in the source postgres database. If set to false, user will have to flush the LSN manually outside Debezium.



heartbeatActionQuery (postgres)

The query executed with every heartbeat.


heartbeatIntervalMs (postgres)

Length of an interval in milli-seconds in in which the connector periodically sends heartbeat messages to a heartbeat topic. Use 0 to disable heartbeat messages. Disabled by default.



heartbeatTopicsPrefix (postgres)

The prefix that is used to name heartbeat topics.Defaults to __debezium-heartbeat.



hstoreHandlingMode (postgres)

Specify how HSTORE columns should be represented in change events, including: 'json' represents values as string-ified JSON (default); 'map' represents values as a key/value map.



includeSchemaComments (postgres)

Whether the connector parse table and column’s comment to metadata object. Note: Enable this option will bring the implications on memory usage. The number and size of ColumnImpl objects is what largely impacts how much memory is consumed by the Debezium connectors, and adding a String to each of them can potentially be quite heavy. The default is 'false'.



includeUnknownDatatypes (postgres)

Specify whether the fields of data type not supported by Debezium should be processed: 'false' (the default) omits the fields; 'true' converts the field into an implementation dependent binary representation.



incrementalSnapshotChunkSize (postgres)

The maximum size of chunk (number of documents/rows) for incremental snapshotting.



incrementalSnapshotWatermarkingStrategy (postgres)

Specify the strategy used for watermarking during an incremental snapshot: 'insert_insert' both open and close signal is written into signal data collection (default); 'insert_delete' only open signal is written on signal data collection, the close will delete the relative open signal;.



intervalHandlingMode (postgres)

Specify how INTERVAL columns should be represented in change events, including: 'string' represents values as an exact ISO formatted string; 'numeric' (default) represents values using the inexact conversion into microseconds.



maxBatchSize (postgres)

Maximum size of each batch of source records. Defaults to 2048.



maxQueueSize (postgres)

Maximum size of the queue for change events read from the database log but not yet recorded or forwarded. Defaults to 8192, and should always be larger than the maximum batch size.



maxQueueSizeInBytes (postgres)

Maximum size of the queue in bytes for change events read from the database log but not yet recorded or forwarded. Defaults to 0. Mean the feature is not enabled.



messageKeyColumns (postgres)

A semicolon-separated list of expressions that match fully-qualified tables and column(s) to be used as message key. Each expression must match the pattern ':', where the table names could be defined as (DB_NAME.TABLE_NAME) or (SCHEMA_NAME.TABLE_NAME), depending on the specific connector, and the key columns are a comma-separated list of columns representing the custom key. For any table without an explicit key configuration the table’s primary key column(s) will be used as message key. Example: dbserver1.inventory.orderlines:orderId,orderLineId;dbserver1.inventory.orders:id.


messagePrefixExcludeList (postgres)

A comma-separated list of regular expressions that match the logical decoding message prefixes to be excluded from monitoring.


messagePrefixIncludeList (postgres)

A comma-separated list of regular expressions that match the logical decoding message prefixes to be monitored. All prefixes are monitored by default.


notificationEnabledChannels (postgres)

List of notification channels names that are enabled.


notificationSinkTopicName (postgres)

The name of the topic for the notifications. This is required in case 'sink' is in the list of enabled channels.


pluginName (postgres)

The name of the Postgres logical decoding plugin installed on the server. Supported values are 'decoderbufs' and 'pgoutput'. Defaults to 'decoderbufs'.



pollIntervalMs (postgres)

Time to wait for new change events to appear after receiving no events, given in milliseconds. Defaults to 500 ms.



postProcessors (postgres)

Optional list of post processors. The processors are defined using '.type' config option and configured using options ''.


provideTransactionMetadata (postgres)

Enables transaction metadata extraction together with event counting.



publicationAutocreateMode (postgres)

Applies only when streaming changes using pgoutput.Determine how creation of a publication should work, the default is all_tables.DISABLED - The connector will not attempt to create a publication at all. The expectation is that the user has created the publication up-front. If the publication isn’t found to exist upon startup, the connector will throw an exception and stop.ALL_TABLES - If no publication exists, the connector will create a new publication for all tables. Note this requires that the configured user has access. If the publication already exists, it will be used. i.e CREATE PUBLICATION FOR ALL TABLES;FILTERED - If no publication exists, the connector will create a new publication for all those tables matchingthe current filter configuration (see table/database include/exclude list properties). If the publication already exists, it will be used. i.e CREATE PUBLICATION FOR TABLE.



publicationName (postgres)

The name of the Postgres 10 publication used for streaming changes from a plugin. Defaults to 'dbz_publication'.



queryFetchSize (postgres)

The maximum number of records that should be loaded into memory while streaming. A value of '0' uses the default JDBC fetch size.



replicaIdentityAutosetValues (postgres)

Applies only when streaming changes using pgoutput.Determines the value for Replica Identity at table level. This option will overwrite the existing value in databaseA comma-separated list of regular expressions that match fully-qualified tables and Replica Identity value to be used in the table. Each expression must match the pattern ':', where the table names could be defined as (SCHEMA_NAME.TABLE_NAME), and the replica identity values are: DEFAULT - Records the old values of the columns of the primary key, if any. This is the default for non-system tables.INDEX index_name - Records the old values of the columns covered by the named index, that must be unique, not partial, not deferrable, and include only columns marked NOT NULL. If this index is dropped, the behavior is the same as NOTHING.FULL - Records the old values of all columns in the row.NOTHING - Records no information about the old row. This is the default for system tables.


retriableRestartConnectorWaitMs (postgres)

Time to wait before restarting connector after retriable exception occurs. Defaults to 10000ms.



schemaExcludeList (postgres)

The schemas for which events must not be captured.


schemaHistoryInternalFileFilename (postgres)

The path to the file that will be used to record the database schema history.


schemaIncludeList (postgres)

The schemas for which events should be captured.


schemaNameAdjustmentMode (postgres)

Specify how schema names should be adjusted for compatibility with the message converter used by the connector, including: 'avro' replaces the characters that cannot be used in the Avro type name with underscore; 'avro_unicode' replaces the underscore or characters that cannot be used in the Avro type name with corresponding unicode like _uxxxx. Note: _ is an escape sequence like backslash in Java;'none' does not apply any adjustment (default).



schemaRefreshMode (postgres)

Specify the conditions that trigger a refresh of the in-memory schema for a table. 'columns_diff' (the default) is the safest mode, ensuring the in-memory schema stays in-sync with the database table’s schema at all times. 'columns_diff_exclude_unchanged_toast' instructs the connector to refresh the in-memory schema cache if there is a discrepancy between it and the schema derived from the incoming message, unless unchanged TOASTable data fully accounts for the discrepancy. This setting can improve connector performance significantly if there are frequently-updated tables that have TOASTed data that are rarely part of these updates. However, it is possible for the in-memory schema to become outdated if TOASTable columns are dropped from the table.



signalDataCollection (postgres)

The name of the data collection that is used to send signals/commands to Debezium. Signaling is disabled when not set.


signalEnabledChannels (postgres)

List of channels names that are enabled. Source channel is enabled by default.



signalPollIntervalMs (postgres)

Interval for looking for new signals in registered channels, given in milliseconds. Defaults to 5 seconds.



skippedOperations (postgres)

The comma-separated list of operations to skip during streaming, defined as: 'c' for inserts/create; 'u' for updates; 'd' for deletes, 't' for truncates, and 'none' to indicate nothing skipped. By default, only truncate operations will be skipped.



slotDropOnStop (postgres)

Whether or not to drop the logical replication slot when the connector finishes orderly. By default the replication is kept so that on restart progress can resume from the last recorded location.



slotMaxRetries (postgres)

How many times to retry connecting to a replication slot when an attempt fails.



slotName (postgres)

The name of the Postgres logical decoding slot created for streaming changes from a plugin. Defaults to 'debezium.



slotRetryDelayMs (postgres)

Time to wait between retry attempts when the connector fails to connect to a replication slot, given in milliseconds. Defaults to 10 seconds (10,000 ms).



slotStreamParams (postgres)

Any optional parameters used by logical decoding plugin. Semi-colon separated. E.g. 'add-tables=public.table,public.table2;include-lsn=true'.


snapshotCustomClass (postgres)

When 'snapshot.mode' is set as custom, this setting must be set to specify a fully qualified class name to load (via the default class loader). This class must implement the 'Snapshotter' interface and is called on each app boot to determine whether to do a snapshot and how to build queries.


snapshotDelayMs (postgres)

A delay period before a snapshot will begin, given in milliseconds. Defaults to 0 ms.



snapshotFetchSize (postgres)

The maximum number of records that should be loaded into memory while performing a snapshot.


snapshotIncludeCollectionList (postgres)

This setting must be set to specify a list of tables/collections whose snapshot must be taken on creating or restarting the connector.


snapshotLockTimeoutMs (postgres)

The maximum number of millis to wait for table locks at the beginning of a snapshot. If locks cannot be acquired in this time frame, the snapshot will be aborted. Defaults to 10 seconds.



snapshotMaxThreads (postgres)

The maximum number of threads used to perform the snapshot. Defaults to 1.



snapshotMode (postgres)

The criteria for running a snapshot upon startup of the connector. Select one of the following snapshot options: 'always': The connector runs a snapshot every time that it starts. After the snapshot completes, the connector begins to stream changes from the transaction log.; 'initial' (default): If the connector does not detect any offsets for the logical server name, it runs a snapshot that captures the current full state of the configured tables. After the snapshot completes, the connector begins to stream changes from the transaction log. 'initial_only': The connector performs a snapshot as it does for the 'initial' option, but after the connector completes the snapshot, it stops, and does not stream changes from the transaction log.; 'never': The connector does not run a snapshot. Upon first startup, the connector immediately begins reading from the beginning of the transaction log. 'exported': This option is deprecated; use 'initial' instead.; 'custom': The connector loads a custom class to specify how the connector performs snapshots. For more information, see Custom snapshotter SPI in the PostgreSQL connector documentation.



snapshotSelectStatementOverrides (postgres)

This property contains a comma-separated list of fully-qualified tables (DB_NAME.TABLE_NAME) or (SCHEMA_NAME.TABLE_NAME), depending on the specific connectors. Select statements for the individual tables are specified in further configuration properties, one for each table, identified by the id '' or '', respectively. The value of those properties is the select statement to use when retrieving data from the specific table during snapshotting. A possible use case for large append-only tables is setting a specific point where to start (resume) snapshotting, in case a previous snapshotting was interrupted.


snapshotTablesOrderByRowCount (postgres)

Controls the order in which tables are processed in the initial snapshot. A descending value will order the tables by row count descending. A ascending value will order the tables by row count ascending. A value of disabled (the default) will disable ordering by row count.



sourceinfoStructMaker (postgres)

The name of the SourceInfoStructMaker class that returns SourceInfo schema and struct.



statusUpdateIntervalMs (postgres)

Frequency for sending replication connection status updates to the server, given in milliseconds. Defaults to 10 seconds (10,000 ms).



tableExcludeList (postgres)

A comma-separated list of regular expressions that match the fully-qualified names of tables to be excluded from monitoring.


tableIgnoreBuiltin (postgres)

Flag specifying whether built-in tables should be ignored.



tableIncludeList (postgres)

The tables for which changes are to be captured.


timePrecisionMode (postgres)

Time, date, and timestamps can be represented with different kinds of precisions, including: 'adaptive' (the default) bases the precision of time, date, and timestamp values on the database column’s precision; 'adaptive_time_microseconds' like 'adaptive' mode, but TIME fields always use microseconds precision; 'connect' always represents time, date, and timestamp values using Kafka Connect’s built-in representations for Time, Date, and Timestamp, which uses millisecond precision regardless of the database columns' precision.



tombstonesOnDelete (postgres)

Whether delete operations should be represented by a delete event and a subsequent tombstone event (true) or only by a delete event (false). Emitting the tombstone event (the default behavior) allows Kafka to completely delete all events pertaining to the given key once the source record got deleted.



topicNamingStrategy (postgres)

The name of the TopicNamingStrategy class that should be used to determine the topic name for data change, schema change, transaction, heartbeat event etc.



topicPrefix (postgres)

Required Topic prefix that identifies and provides a namespace for the particular database server/cluster is capturing changes. The topic prefix should be unique across all other connectors, since it is used as a prefix for all Kafka topic names that receive events emitted by this connector. Only alphanumeric characters, hyphens, dots and underscores must be accepted.


unavailableValuePlaceholder (postgres)

Specify the constant that will be provided by Debezium to indicate that the original value is a toasted value not provided by the database. If starts with 'hex:' prefix it is expected that the rest of the string represents hexadecimal encoded octets.



xminFetchIntervalMs (postgres)

Specify how often (in ms) the xmin will be fetched from the replication slot. This xmin value is exposed by the slot which gives a lower bound of where a new replication slot could start from. The lower the value, the more likely this value is to be the current 'true' value, but the bigger the performance cost. The bigger the value, the less likely this value is to be the current 'true' value, but the lower the performance penalty. The default is set to 0 ms, which disables tracking xmin.



Endpoint Options

The Debezium PostgresSQL Connector endpoint is configured using URI syntax:


with the following path and query parameters:

Path Parameters (1 parameters)

Name Description Default Type

name (consumer)

Required Unique name for the connector. Attempting to register again with the same name will fail.


Query Parameters (98 parameters)

Name Description Default Type

additionalProperties (common)

Additional properties for debezium components in case they can’t be set directly on the camel configurations (e.g: setting Kafka Connect properties needed by Debezium engine, for example setting KafkaOffsetBackingStore), the properties have to be prefixed with additionalProperties.. E.g:


internalKeyConverter (consumer)

The Converter class that should be used to serialize and deserialize key data for offsets. The default is JSON converter.



internalValueConverter (consumer)

The Converter class that should be used to serialize and deserialize value data for offsets. The default is JSON converter.



offsetCommitPolicy (consumer)

The name of the Java class of the commit policy. It defines when offsets commit has to be triggered based on the number of events processed and the time elapsed since the last commit. This class must implement the interface 'OffsetCommitPolicy'. The default is a periodic commit policy based upon time intervals.


offsetCommitTimeoutMs (consumer)

Maximum number of milliseconds to wait for records to flush and partition offset data to be committed to offset storage before cancelling the process and restoring the offset data to be committed in a future attempt. The default is 5 seconds.



offsetFlushIntervalMs (consumer)

Interval at which to try committing offsets. The default is 1 minute.



offsetStorage (consumer)

The name of the Java class that is responsible for persistence of connector offsets.


offsetStorageFileName (consumer)

Path to file where offsets are to be stored. Required when is set to the FileOffsetBackingStore.


offsetStoragePartitions (consumer)

The number of partitions used when creating the offset storage topic. Required when is set to the 'KafkaOffsetBackingStore'.


offsetStorageReplicationFactor (consumer)

Replication factor used when creating the offset storage topic. Required when is set to the KafkaOffsetBackingStore.


offsetStorageTopic (consumer)

The name of the Kafka topic where offsets are to be stored. Required when is set to the KafkaOffsetBackingStore.


bridgeErrorHandler (consumer (advanced))

Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions (if possible) occurred while the Camel consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. Important: This is only possible if the 3rd party component allows Camel to be alerted if an exception was thrown. Some components handle this internally only, and therefore bridgeErrorHandler is not possible. In other situations we may improve the Camel component to hook into the 3rd party component and make this possible for future releases. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored.



exceptionHandler (consumer (advanced))

To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored.


exchangePattern (consumer (advanced))

Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange.

Enum values:

  • InOnly

  • InOut


binaryHandlingMode (postgres)

Specify how binary (blob, binary, etc.) columns should be represented in change events, including: 'bytes' represents binary data as byte array (default); 'base64' represents binary data as base64-encoded string; 'base64-url-safe' represents binary data as base64-url-safe-encoded string; 'hex' represents binary data as hex-encoded (base16) string.



columnExcludeList (postgres)

Regular expressions matching columns to exclude from change events.


columnIncludeList (postgres)

Regular expressions matching columns to include in change events.


columnPropagateSourceType (postgres)

A comma-separated list of regular expressions matching fully-qualified names of columns that adds the columns original type and original length as parameters to the corresponding field schemas in the emitted change records.


converters (postgres)

Optional list of custom converters that would be used instead of default ones. The converters are defined using '.type' config option and configured using options '.'.


customMetricTags (postgres)

The custom metric tags will accept key-value pairs to customize the MBean object name which should be appended the end of regular name, each key would represent a tag for the MBean object name, and the corresponding value would be the value of that tag the key is. For example: k1=v1,k2=v2.


databaseDbname (postgres)

The name of the database from which the connector should capture changes.


databaseHostname (postgres)

Resolvable hostname or IP address of the database server.


databaseInitialStatements (postgres)

A semicolon separated list of SQL statements to be executed when a JDBC connection to the database is established. Note that the connector may establish JDBC connections at its own discretion, so this should typically be used for configuration of session parameters only, but not for executing DML statements. Use doubled semicolon (';;') to use a semicolon as a character and not as a delimiter.


databasePassword (postgres)

Required Password of the database user to be used when connecting to the database.


databasePort (postgres)

Port of the database server.



databaseSslcert (postgres)

File containing the SSL Certificate for the client. See the Postgres SSL docs for further information.


databaseSslfactory (postgres)

A name of class to that creates SSL Sockets. Use org.postgresql.ssl.NonValidatingFactory to disable SSL validation in development environments.


databaseSslkey (postgres)

File containing the SSL private key for the client. See the Postgres SSL docs for further information.


databaseSslmode (postgres)

Whether to use an encrypted connection to Postgres. Options include: 'disable' (the default) to use an unencrypted connection; 'allow' to try and use an unencrypted connection first and, failing that, a secure (encrypted) connection; 'prefer' (the default) to try and use a secure (encrypted) connection first and, failing that, an unencrypted connection; 'require' to use a secure (encrypted) connection, and fail if one cannot be established; 'verify-ca' like 'required' but additionally verify the server TLS certificate against the configured Certificate Authority (CA) certificates, or fail if no valid matching CA certificates are found; or 'verify-full' like 'verify-ca' but additionally verify that the server certificate matches the host to which the connection is attempted.



databaseSslpassword (postgres)

Password to access the client private key from the file specified by 'database.sslkey'. See the Postgres SSL docs for further information.


databaseSslrootcert (postgres)

File containing the root certificate(s) against which the server is validated. See the Postgres JDBC SSL docs for further information.


databaseTcpkeepalive (postgres)

Enable or disable TCP keep-alive probe to avoid dropping TCP connection.



databaseUser (postgres)

Name of the database user to be used when connecting to the database.


datatypePropagateSourceType (postgres)

A comma-separated list of regular expressions matching the database-specific data type names that adds the data type’s original type and original length as parameters to the corresponding field schemas in the emitted change records.


decimalHandlingMode (postgres)

Specify how DECIMAL and NUMERIC columns should be represented in change events, including: 'precise' (the default) uses java.math.BigDecimal to represent values, which are encoded in the change events using a binary representation and Kafka Connect’s '' type; 'string' uses string to represent values; 'double' represents values using Java’s 'double', which may not offer the precision but will be far easier to use in consumers.



errorsMaxRetries (postgres)

The maximum number of retries on connection errors before failing (-1 = no limit, 0 = disabled, 0 = num of retries).



eventProcessingFailureHandlingMode (postgres)

Specify how failures during processing of events (i.e. when encountering a corrupted event) should be handled, including: 'fail' (the default) an exception indicating the problematic event and its position is raised, causing the connector to be stopped; 'warn' the problematic event and its position will be logged and the event will be skipped; 'ignore' the problematic event will be skipped.



flushLsnSource (postgres)

Boolean to determine if Debezium should flush LSN in the source postgres database. If set to false, user will have to flush the LSN manually outside Debezium.



heartbeatActionQuery (postgres)

The query executed with every heartbeat.


heartbeatIntervalMs (postgres)

Length of an interval in milli-seconds in in which the connector periodically sends heartbeat messages to a heartbeat topic. Use 0 to disable heartbeat messages. Disabled by default.



heartbeatTopicsPrefix (postgres)

The prefix that is used to name heartbeat topics.Defaults to __debezium-heartbeat.



hstoreHandlingMode (postgres)

Specify how HSTORE columns should be represented in change events, including: 'json' represents values as string-ified JSON (default); 'map' represents values as a key/value map.



includeSchemaComments (postgres)

Whether the connector parse table and column’s comment to metadata object. Note: Enable this option will bring the implications on memory usage. The number and size of ColumnImpl objects is what largely impacts how much memory is consumed by the Debezium connectors, and adding a String to each of them can potentially be quite heavy. The default is 'false'.



includeUnknownDatatypes (postgres)

Specify whether the fields of data type not supported by Debezium should be processed: 'false' (the default) omits the fields; 'true' converts the field into an implementation dependent binary representation.



incrementalSnapshotChunkSize (postgres)

The maximum size of chunk (number of documents/rows) for incremental snapshotting.



incrementalSnapshotWatermarkingStrategy (postgres)

Specify the strategy used for watermarking during an incremental snapshot: 'insert_insert' both open and close signal is written into signal data collection (default); 'insert_delete' only open signal is written on signal data collection, the close will delete the relative open signal;.



intervalHandlingMode (postgres)

Specify how INTERVAL columns should be represented in change events, including: 'string' represents values as an exact ISO formatted string; 'numeric' (default) represents values using the inexact conversion into microseconds.



maxBatchSize (postgres)

Maximum size of each batch of source records. Defaults to 2048.



maxQueueSize (postgres)

Maximum size of the queue for change events read from the database log but not yet recorded or forwarded. Defaults to 8192, and should always be larger than the maximum batch size.



maxQueueSizeInBytes (postgres)

Maximum size of the queue in bytes for change events read from the database log but not yet recorded or forwarded. Defaults to 0. Mean the feature is not enabled.



messageKeyColumns (postgres)

A semicolon-separated list of expressions that match fully-qualified tables and column(s) to be used as message key. Each expression must match the pattern ':', where the table names could be defined as (DB_NAME.TABLE_NAME) or (SCHEMA_NAME.TABLE_NAME), depending on the specific connector, and the key columns are a comma-separated list of columns representing the custom key. For any table without an explicit key configuration the table’s primary key column(s) will be used as message key. Example: dbserver1.inventory.orderlines:orderId,orderLineId;dbserver1.inventory.orders:id.


messagePrefixExcludeList (postgres)

A comma-separated list of regular expressions that match the logical decoding message prefixes to be excluded from monitoring.


messagePrefixIncludeList (postgres)

A comma-separated list of regular expressions that match the logical decoding message prefixes to be monitored. All prefixes are monitored by default.


notificationEnabledChannels (postgres)

List of notification channels names that are enabled.


notificationSinkTopicName (postgres)

The name of the topic for the notifications. This is required in case 'sink' is in the list of enabled channels.


pluginName (postgres)

The name of the Postgres logical decoding plugin installed on the server. Supported values are 'decoderbufs' and 'pgoutput'. Defaults to 'decoderbufs'.



pollIntervalMs (postgres)

Time to wait for new change events to appear after receiving no events, given in milliseconds. Defaults to 500 ms.



postProcessors (postgres)

Optional list of post processors. The processors are defined using '.type' config option and configured using options ''.


provideTransactionMetadata (postgres)

Enables transaction metadata extraction together with event counting.



publicationAutocreateMode (postgres)

Applies only when streaming changes using pgoutput.Determine how creation of a publication should work, the default is all_tables.DISABLED - The connector will not attempt to create a publication at all. The expectation is that the user has created the publication up-front. If the publication isn’t found to exist upon startup, the connector will throw an exception and stop.ALL_TABLES - If no publication exists, the connector will create a new publication for all tables. Note this requires that the configured user has access. If the publication already exists, it will be used. i.e CREATE PUBLICATION FOR ALL TABLES;FILTERED - If no publication exists, the connector will create a new publication for all those tables matchingthe current filter configuration (see table/database include/exclude list properties). If the publication already exists, it will be used. i.e CREATE PUBLICATION FOR TABLE.



publicationName (postgres)

The name of the Postgres 10 publication used for streaming changes from a plugin. Defaults to 'dbz_publication'.



queryFetchSize (postgres)

The maximum number of records that should be loaded into memory while streaming. A value of '0' uses the default JDBC fetch size.



replicaIdentityAutosetValues (postgres)

Applies only when streaming changes using pgoutput.Determines the value for Replica Identity at table level. This option will overwrite the existing value in databaseA comma-separated list of regular expressions that match fully-qualified tables and Replica Identity value to be used in the table. Each expression must match the pattern ':', where the table names could be defined as (SCHEMA_NAME.TABLE_NAME), and the replica identity values are: DEFAULT - Records the old values of the columns of the primary key, if any. This is the default for non-system tables.INDEX index_name - Records the old values of the columns covered by the named index, that must be unique, not partial, not deferrable, and include only columns marked NOT NULL. If this index is dropped, the behavior is the same as NOTHING.FULL - Records the old values of all columns in the row.NOTHING - Records no information about the old row. This is the default for system tables.


retriableRestartConnectorWaitMs (postgres)

Time to wait before restarting connector after retriable exception occurs. Defaults to 10000ms.



schemaExcludeList (postgres)

The schemas for which events must not be captured.


schemaHistoryInternalFileFilename (postgres)

The path to the file that will be used to record the database schema history.


schemaIncludeList (postgres)

The schemas for which events should be captured.


schemaNameAdjustmentMode (postgres)

Specify how schema names should be adjusted for compatibility with the message converter used by the connector, including: 'avro' replaces the characters that cannot be used in the Avro type name with underscore; 'avro_unicode' replaces the underscore or characters that cannot be used in the Avro type name with corresponding unicode like _uxxxx. Note: _ is an escape sequence like backslash in Java;'none' does not apply any adjustment (default).



schemaRefreshMode (postgres)

Specify the conditions that trigger a refresh of the in-memory schema for a table. 'columns_diff' (the default) is the safest mode, ensuring the in-memory schema stays in-sync with the database table’s schema at all times. 'columns_diff_exclude_unchanged_toast' instructs the connector to refresh the in-memory schema cache if there is a discrepancy between it and the schema derived from the incoming message, unless unchanged TOASTable data fully accounts for the discrepancy. This setting can improve connector performance significantly if there are frequently-updated tables that have TOASTed data that are rarely part of these updates. However, it is possible for the in-memory schema to become outdated if TOASTable columns are dropped from the table.



signalDataCollection (postgres)

The name of the data collection that is used to send signals/commands to Debezium. Signaling is disabled when not set.


signalEnabledChannels (postgres)

List of channels names that are enabled. Source channel is enabled by default.



signalPollIntervalMs (postgres)

Interval for looking for new signals in registered channels, given in milliseconds. Defaults to 5 seconds.



skippedOperations (postgres)

The comma-separated list of operations to skip during streaming, defined as: 'c' for inserts/create; 'u' for updates; 'd' for deletes, 't' for truncates, and 'none' to indicate nothing skipped. By default, only truncate operations will be skipped.



slotDropOnStop (postgres)

Whether or not to drop the logical replication slot when the connector finishes orderly. By default the replication is kept so that on restart progress can resume from the last recorded location.



slotMaxRetries (postgres)

How many times to retry connecting to a replication slot when an attempt fails.



slotName (postgres)

The name of the Postgres logical decoding slot created for streaming changes from a plugin. Defaults to 'debezium.



slotRetryDelayMs (postgres)

Time to wait between retry attempts when the connector fails to connect to a replication slot, given in milliseconds. Defaults to 10 seconds (10,000 ms).



slotStreamParams (postgres)

Any optional parameters used by logical decoding plugin. Semi-colon separated. E.g. 'add-tables=public.table,public.table2;include-lsn=true'.


snapshotCustomClass (postgres)

When 'snapshot.mode' is set as custom, this setting must be set to specify a fully qualified class name to load (via the default class loader). This class must implement the 'Snapshotter' interface and is called on each app boot to determine whether to do a snapshot and how to build queries.


snapshotDelayMs (postgres)

A delay period before a snapshot will begin, given in milliseconds. Defaults to 0 ms.



snapshotFetchSize (postgres)

The maximum number of records that should be loaded into memory while performing a snapshot.


snapshotIncludeCollectionList (postgres)

This setting must be set to specify a list of tables/collections whose snapshot must be taken on creating or restarting the connector.


snapshotLockTimeoutMs (postgres)

The maximum number of millis to wait for table locks at the beginning of a snapshot. If locks cannot be acquired in this time frame, the snapshot will be aborted. Defaults to 10 seconds.



snapshotMaxThreads (postgres)

The maximum number of threads used to perform the snapshot. Defaults to 1.



snapshotMode (postgres)

The criteria for running a snapshot upon startup of the connector. Select one of the following snapshot options: 'always': The connector runs a snapshot every time that it starts. After the snapshot completes, the connector begins to stream changes from the transaction log.; 'initial' (default): If the connector does not detect any offsets for the logical server name, it runs a snapshot that captures the current full state of the configured tables. After the snapshot completes, the connector begins to stream changes from the transaction log. 'initial_only': The connector performs a snapshot as it does for the 'initial' option, but after the connector completes the snapshot, it stops, and does not stream changes from the transaction log.; 'never': The connector does not run a snapshot. Upon first startup, the connector immediately begins reading from the beginning of the transaction log. 'exported': This option is deprecated; use 'initial' instead.; 'custom': The connector loads a custom class to specify how the connector performs snapshots. For more information, see Custom snapshotter SPI in the PostgreSQL connector documentation.



snapshotSelectStatementOverrides (postgres)

This property contains a comma-separated list of fully-qualified tables (DB_NAME.TABLE_NAME) or (SCHEMA_NAME.TABLE_NAME), depending on the specific connectors. Select statements for the individual tables are specified in further configuration properties, one for each table, identified by the id '' or '', respectively. The value of those properties is the select statement to use when retrieving data from the specific table during snapshotting. A possible use case for large append-only tables is setting a specific point where to start (resume) snapshotting, in case a previous snapshotting was interrupted.


snapshotTablesOrderByRowCount (postgres)

Controls the order in which tables are processed in the initial snapshot. A descending value will order the tables by row count descending. A ascending value will order the tables by row count ascending. A value of disabled (the default) will disable ordering by row count.



sourceinfoStructMaker (postgres)

The name of the SourceInfoStructMaker class that returns SourceInfo schema and struct.



statusUpdateIntervalMs (postgres)

Frequency for sending replication connection status updates to the server, given in milliseconds. Defaults to 10 seconds (10,000 ms).



tableExcludeList (postgres)

A comma-separated list of regular expressions that match the fully-qualified names of tables to be excluded from monitoring.


tableIgnoreBuiltin (postgres)

Flag specifying whether built-in tables should be ignored.



tableIncludeList (postgres)

The tables for which changes are to be captured.


timePrecisionMode (postgres)

Time, date, and timestamps can be represented with different kinds of precisions, including: 'adaptive' (the default) bases the precision of time, date, and timestamp values on the database column’s precision; 'adaptive_time_microseconds' like 'adaptive' mode, but TIME fields always use microseconds precision; 'connect' always represents time, date, and timestamp values using Kafka Connect’s built-in representations for Time, Date, and Timestamp, which uses millisecond precision regardless of the database columns' precision.



tombstonesOnDelete (postgres)

Whether delete operations should be represented by a delete event and a subsequent tombstone event (true) or only by a delete event (false). Emitting the tombstone event (the default behavior) allows Kafka to completely delete all events pertaining to the given key once the source record got deleted.



topicNamingStrategy (postgres)

The name of the TopicNamingStrategy class that should be used to determine the topic name for data change, schema change, transaction, heartbeat event etc.



topicPrefix (postgres)

Required Topic prefix that identifies and provides a namespace for the particular database server/cluster is capturing changes. The topic prefix should be unique across all other connectors, since it is used as a prefix for all Kafka topic names that receive events emitted by this connector. Only alphanumeric characters, hyphens, dots and underscores must be accepted.


unavailableValuePlaceholder (postgres)

Specify the constant that will be provided by Debezium to indicate that the original value is a toasted value not provided by the database. If starts with 'hex:' prefix it is expected that the rest of the string represents hexadecimal encoded octets.



xminFetchIntervalMs (postgres)

Specify how often (in ms) the xmin will be fetched from the replication slot. This xmin value is exposed by the slot which gives a lower bound of where a new replication slot could start from. The lower the value, the more likely this value is to be the current 'true' value, but the bigger the performance cost. The bigger the value, the less likely this value is to be the current 'true' value, but the lower the performance penalty. The default is set to 0 ms, which disables tracking xmin.



Message Headers

The Debezium PostgresSQL Connector component supports 7 message header(s), which is/are listed below:

Name Description Default Type

CamelDebeziumSourceMetadata (consumer)


The metadata about the source event, for example table name, database name, log position, etc, please refer to the Debezium documentation for more info.


CamelDebeziumIdentifier (consumer)


The identifier of the connector, normally is this format {server-name}.{database-name}.{table-name}.


CamelDebeziumKey (consumer)

Constant: HEADER_KEY

The key of the event, normally is the table Primary Key.


CamelDebeziumOperation (consumer)


If presents, the type of event operation. Values for the connector are c for create (or insert), u for update, d for delete or r for read (in the case of a initial sync) or in case of a snapshot event.


CamelDebeziumTimestamp (consumer)


If presents, the time (using the system clock in the JVM) at which the connector processed the event.


CamelDebeziumBefore (consumer)


If presents, contains the state of the row before the event occurred.


CamelDebeziumDdlSQL (consumer)


If presents, the ddl sql text of the event.


Message body

The message body if is not null (in case of tombstones), it contains the state of the row after the event occurred as Struct format or Map format if you use the included Type Converter from Struct to Map (please look below for more explanation).


Consuming events

Here is a very simple route that you can use in order to listen to Debezium events from PostgresSQL connector.

    .log("Event received from Debezium : ${body}")
    .log("    with this identifier ${headers.CamelDebeziumIdentifier}")
    .log("    with these source metadata ${headers.CamelDebeziumSourceMetadata}")
    .log("    the event occurred upon this operation '${headers.CamelDebeziumSourceOperation}'")
    .log("    on this database '${headers.CamelDebeziumSourceMetadata[db]}' and this table '${headers.CamelDebeziumSourceMetadata[table]}'")
    .log("    with the key ${headers.CamelDebeziumKey}")
    .log("    the previous value is ${headers.CamelDebeziumBefore}")

By default, the component will emit the events in the body and CamelDebeziumBefore header as Struct data type, the reasoning behind this, is to perceive the schema information in case is needed. However, the component as well contains a Type Converter that converts from default output type of Struct to Map in order to leverage Camel’s rich Data Format types which many of them work out of box with Map data type. To use it, you can either add Map.class type when you access the message e.g: exchange.getIn().getBody(Map.class), or you can convert the body always to Map from the route builder by adding .convertBodyTo(Map.class) to your Camel Route DSL after from statement.

We mentioned above about the schema, which can be used in case you need to perform advance data transformation and the schema is needed for that. If you choose not to convert your body to Map, you can obtain the schema information as Schema type from Struct like this:

    .process(exchange -> {
        final Struct bodyValue = exchange.getIn().getBody(Struct.class);
        final Schema schemaValue = bodyValue.schema();"Body value is : {}", bodyValue);"With Schema : {}", schemaValue);"And fields of : {}", schemaValue.fields());"Field name has `{}` type", schemaValue.field("name").schema());

Important Note: This component is a thin wrapper around Debezium Engine as mentioned, therefore before using this component in production, you need to understand how Debezium works and how configurations can reflect the expected behavior, especially in regards to handling failures.