Micrometer Observability

Since Camel 3.21

The Micrometer Observation component is used for performing observability of incoming and outgoing Camel messages using Micrometer Observation.

By configuring the ObservationRegistry you can add behaviour to your observations such as metrics (e.g. via Micrometer) or tracing (e.g. via OpenTelemetry or Brave) or any custom behaviour.

Events are captured for incoming and outgoing messages being sent to/from Camel.


The configuration properties for the Micrometer Observations are:

Option Default Description


Sets exclude pattern(s) that will disable tracing for Camel messages that matches the pattern. The content is a Set<String> where the key is a pattern. The pattern uses the rules from Intercept.



Sets whether the header keys need to be encoded (connector specific) or not. The value is a boolean. Dashes need for instances to be encoded for JMS property keys.


Include the camel-opentelemetry component in your POM, along with any specific dependencies associated with the chosen OpenTelemetry compliant Tracer.

To explicitly configure OpenTelemetry support, instantiate the OpenTelemetryTracer and initialize the camel context. You can optionally specify a Tracer, or alternatively it can be implicitly discovered using the Registry

ObservationRegistry observationRegistry = ObservationRegistry.create();
MicrometerObservationTracer micrometerObservationTracer = new MicrometerObservationTracer();

// This component comes from Micrometer Core - it's used for creation of metrics
MeterRegistry meterRegistry = new SimpleMeterRegistry();

// This component comes from Micrometer Tracing - it's an abstraction over tracers
io.micrometer.tracing.Tracer otelTracer = otelTracer();
// This component comes from Micrometer Tracing - example of B3 header propagation via OpenTelemetry
OtelPropagator otelPropagator = new OtelPropagator(ContextPropagators.create(B3Propagator.injectingSingleHeader()), tracer);

// Configuration ObservationRegistry for metrics
observationRegistry.observationConfig().observationHandler(new DefaultMeterObservationHandler(meterRegistry));

// Configuration ObservationRegistry for tracing
observationRegistry.observationConfig().observationHandler(new ObservationHandler.FirstMatchingCompositeObservationHandler(new CamelPropagatingSenderTracingObservationHandler<>(otelTracer, otelPropagator), new CamelPropagatingReceiverTracingObservationHandler<>(otelTracer, otelPropagator), new CamelDefaultTracingObservationHandler(otelTracer)));

// Both components ObserationRegistry and MeterRegistry should be set manually or they will be resolved from CamelContext if present

// Initialize the MicrometerObservationTracer

Spring Boot

If you are using Spring Boot then you can add the camel-observation-starter dependency, and turn on OpenTracing by annotating the main class with @CamelObservation.

The MicrometerObservationTracer will be implicitly obtained from the camel context’s Registry, unless a MicrometerObservationTracer bean has been defined by the application.

Unresolved include directive in modules/others/pages/observation.adoc - include::spring-boot:partial$starter.adoc[]

MDC Logging

When MDC Logging is enabled for the active Camel context the Trace ID and Span ID will be added and removed from the MDC for each route, the keys are trace_id and span_id, respectively.